Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lack of Soda = Lack of Energy

As most people reading this blog know, I have a list of things to do before I die. I wrote this list when I was 16 years old... and I was stupid. Now, it isn't that I was any stupider than the average 16 year old but as I jotted down these things I thought I should try to do I never thought about the consequences of when I one day actually tried to do them. One of the things on this list is: Go a Year without Soda.
I am a soda addict, I think it is fabulous, my beverage of choice... Mt Dew yes the green almost toxic substance is my best friend, and I haven't had it in almost four months as I attempt this soda free year.
But you see, I wasn't thinking about the effects of this at the time, and for those of you who don't know them here are the most common side effects of caffeine withdrawal (list from

Top 10 Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

  1. Headache- A caffeine headache usually starts behind the eyes and then moves up the front of the head.
  2. Sleepiness- This just isn’t your normal tiredness, this is sitting up straight but still can’t keep your eyes open tiredness.
  3. Irritability- Everyone and everything gets on your last nerve. It’s best just to lock yourself in your room during this stage.
  4. Lethargy- Forget about productivity at this stage because you’ll be unmotivated to do anything.
  5. Constipation- Caffeine stimulates the bowel, so without its daily does the colon gets a little cranky too.
  6. Depression- Caffeine withdrawal can take away all hope for living. Temporary blues are one thing, but if you already struggle with depression this could be a big issue.
  7. Muscle Pain/Stiffness- If you normally have some caffeine prior to exercise then during caffeine withdrawal you could feel as though your muscles have weights strapped to them.
  8. Lack of Concentration- Forget school, studying, brain surgery, or jet engine repair during this stage of withdrawal.
  9. Flu-like symptoms- Stuffy nose, blocked sinuses and even vomiting have been reported by people withdrawing from caffeine.
  10. Insomnia- Some people are strange and actually can’t sleep when going through caffeine withdrawal.
Wow right? I am currently suffering from 8 of these symptoms... o\h yeah one (aka the flu-like symptoms) I hadn't even realized was being caused by this. I have been trying to figure out my stuffy nose and blocked sinuses for a long time I'm not actually sick but I can't get rid of those symptoms... today I finally found out why. 
I about six weeks ago started a new job, this job involves lots of physical labor and  by the time I come home I don't have the energy even to do the dishes. I  can't seem to find it in me to do anything, and if I do do something the headache presses in on me. Many of these other symptoms are also a huge burden.
Now, my very dedicated husband has decided that if I'm not having soda, well neither is he but that means he is also suffering from these symptoms... the lack of coke zero has gotten too him as well. Get us both in a room together and we are two blobs of unmotivated snappy people who can't seem to accomplish anything... and I hate it. 
I'm hoping to have a summer full of activities, I want to go camping and play and many other things on this list I have (the list will be posted next week) but I'm not sure if I will actually have the energy to do any of these things without the Mt. Dew. 
It is a horrible thing, being so craving of something, but it is something I broke in myself long long ago! The only question is should I amend my list and have my soda fix and be happy and energetic... or work through this lack of energy for another 8 months.... 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Blobs of everything.

Wow, things have been so crazy lately! At this new job I've started to work a lot more hours, which is great because it means that a little more play money, which as well all know I feel is VERY important. I am 23 years old, I can do anything... and in a few years I will probably have a child, and while there will still be LOADS of fun going on it won't be quite the same, everything will change. So I believe that I need to have as much fun now as possible. But, it does make for busy because with more work hours that means that when I'm not at work, I must be out playing...
Now, as most people know, Tyson and I moved a few weeks ago. It has been a really great move and it was for sure for the best, but because of the way things have happened, we aren't even finished unpacking yet. Yeah, I'm serious... we hate it. So, I have a few days off now and hopefully I will be able to get some very needed unpacking done!
Last weekend was a very exciting weekend! We had a lot of Fun! We stayed the night in a hotel Friday night because Jeff and Kati (Tyson's parents) were awesome enough to give us some extra tickets to General Conference. Attending a live session was number 10 on my list of things to do before I die so I awesomely got that off my list and oh my gosh conference was awesome! As terrible as it is to say being their for that session really made it easier for me to really get into the rest of the sessions this conference because I could go back to that moment to relive it. I am so glad that i got to go!
Then came lunch and shopping at the Gateway. We met up with one of my best friends, Annie (Aka Adriann). We enjoyed lunch and shopping with her! She lives in Utah so I don't get to see her nearly as much but so far in 2012 we have managed to see each other once a month so hopefully that will continue.
While shopping, I got a Barnes and Noble card. This is still weird for me... Borders has been gone for months, and this was not the first time I have made a purchase and B&N since then... but purchasing a card showing my loyalty to them... whom I used to call "The Green Dragon" and mock them for how disorganized their shelves were (which I still think they could use some organization) and now I find myself loyal to them because it is still better than buying books off amazon. What a day.
And to finish off the last day of March, Tyson and I saw a concert, the concert was of a band called FUN. Yes, the bands name is FUN... and they are amazing! It actually hit #2 for best live concerts I have seen. (#1 being held by the first time I saw my favorite band Red Jumpsuit Apparatus on my 21st birthday, but it was amazing and that one will be pretty hard to top!) I love concerts and hope to get to go to a few more this year! Fun was fabulous and it an amazing day.
I'm making it a goal to blog more in April so hopefully to the few of you reading you will get more to read! Much love! -Brie