Friday, January 28, 2011

TV Shows

I will very much so admit that I am an addict to television shows. I don't have cable anymore (I think it is a waste of money) but somehow my addiction has only grown stronger!!! I currently am addicted to:
-Kyle XY
-The Office
-Pushing Daisies
-Pretty Little Liars
-The Secret Life of the American Teenager
-Boy Meets World
-Gilmore Girls
-Desperate Housewives
I write about this because last night I ran out of new episodes of Pushing Daisies, a lovely show that only got to run two seasons. It is a show that fascinates me and I'm sad that it got cancelled so soon! Kyle XY also should have gotten a longer run! It was cut short after only three seasons... a fourth had been planned but got cancelled last minute so it ends on a cliffhanger.
Thats the thing I hate about TV... I never seem to want them to end! Out of my ten shows I have only seen the last episodes of four... and all of them are terrible... perhaps I should somehow find a new addiction.....

1 comment:

  1. Yay Desperate Housewives addict finally! Watch Grey's Anatomy. It's like a mixture of House and Desperate Housewives. I promise you will like it! I was right about Desperate Housewives!
