Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finally a New post.

I don't think too many people read my blog... but the few who do seem to have noticed I haven't posted anything new here in almost two months... so I suppose that it is time to do so.
Last time I posted was on my macbook which now belongs to my Dad... since it was a graduation gift from my parents and it was no longer working for me I gave it back to them so my Dad now uses it for things he can still use it for. And I am slowly adjusting to life on a PC.
April went by fast We had a fun Easter, we dyed eggs and did all the traditional things like that the "Easter bunny" or Tyson got me a very pretty necklace and hid it in an egg along with my Candy, it was very cute of him. We also went to Bodies the Exhibition at the Museum of Idaho. We had seen one in Las Vegas on our honeymoon and I'd found it really interesting so we thought we should go and see the one in Idaho Falls as well since we love going for drives anyway. I highly recommend it to anyone!
We have been stuck inside WAY more than we would have liked for this time of year. So, we have been watching a ton of movies, netflix movies are always coming and going and we still seem to never have anything to watch.
I have re-found my addiction for Phase 10 and that seems to be what I want to do most of the time, but we can only do it so often seeing as you need at least four or so people to do it, but whenever Charley and Christian have a night where they can come play we love having them over to do it.
I've been spending a lot of time working on memory books... they are so much fun for me. I always liked scrap-booking when I was younger but my handwriting is bad and I just didn't have the supplies and so doing it all online and then printing them off works so much better for me. So, I'm going to attempt to do one a year and I have been making sure I'm all caught up so that as soon as I'm back from Oregon I can get those pages done in time for the Sale going on in June. (I try to never play full price for things like that... especially because when the go on sale they go on such good sales!)
Work is super crazy this week, our District Manager is coming Tomorrow or possibly tonight so we have been trying to make sure the store is more beautiful that ever. We haven't met this DM yet because of the company doing restructuring so we are really trying to impress him.
This next week and a half coming up is going to be busy but hopefully also fun as I get ready to go on vacation. And then of course vacation itself.
I've for the time being stopped writing on what has always been my main story to write, it will always be my favorite and I will always go back to it but for the time being I feel it is important to work on something else. So I have decided to take a short story I wrote in High School and turn it into a longer hopefully novel. So we'll see how that goes.
Hopefully over the next little bit I will be better at blogging for the few of you who are interested in what is going on with me and want to read this.


  1. YAY! Finally. I've been waiting FOREVER for a new post! Keep posting, and I'll keep reading! Love yo Brie :)

  2. yes yes I do agree we need to see more posts from you =]
