Friday, February 10, 2012

Week of Love: Day Four

Today, for love week, I need to recognize friends. Now, is where we start to get a bit more personal.
I always had a lot of friends growing up, I was close with many and being young I honestly believed that they would always be there. For many years, they were, I kept so many of my friends for so long and it wasn't until the past few years when my life really started to change and I went though some hard times and it was during these hard times where some of my long time friends were lost.
Thankfully not all of my friends were lost, some of them stuck with me through all of these hard times and are still my close friends. I love all of my friends who have stuck with me through all my hard times. They are truly amazing! I now know who my real friends are and who I can count on to be there for me no matter. What! I love you guys!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw. I love you Brie. You are the best best friend a girl could ask for.
