Monday, June 20, 2011

Story Time

As many of you know for nearly ten years now I have considered myself a writer. For eight out of those ten I dedicated a large portion of time to doing such writing, mostly on my main trilogy... but some on other stories as well... just short stories. However for some reason over the past two of those years I've had some form of slight writers block... writing here or there but never following through on anything because I found too many flaws or didn't like my own characters.
Today however things may have finally changed for me... I have come up with something new... something that I feel has some promise... and I've started writing again... writing more like I used to... scribbling little portions of text as I talk to other people or do other things, just letting things flow from my fingers without them being forced. Not having to stop and debate what to do next... just knowing. So... I might be back, back to writing, back to what I really love! So wish me luck...