Thursday, November 22, 2012


Oh my word, I love Thanksgiving! Good food and good family, what more could you ask for? I love having Thanksgiving dinner with my family! We just sit down for hours enjoying good food and even after we are all full we sit around the table and chat and enjoy each others company... there is no need to clean up or leave... none of us go watch football or leave for the 6pm start of the black Friday sales... we just enjoy each other until it is time for desert, and it is fabulous!
I go to work today, I volunteered for it to make sure that my boss could get done at a decent time and she can go spend time with her family as well. That is what Thanksgiving should be about! Family, because at least for me that is what I am most thankful for. I have so many blessings but my family is at the top of the list! I love you all!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Start of November.

Well, to start November... I will end October. We finished off our October movie fest... I love it, unfortunately near the end things got busy and we didn't get as much watched as we wanted to but we did watch:
-Case 39
-The Craft
-Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
-The Devils Backbone
-The Woman in Black
-Corpse Bride
-Walking Dead (Yes, that is a TV show, but we watched the entire series as far as they have made and I think it qualifies for Octoberfest)
-House at the End of the Street
-Secret Window
-Amityville Horror
-Shaun of the Dead
-Sweeney Todd
-Red Dragon
-The Shining
-Paranormal Activity
-Paranormal Activity 2
-Paranormal Activity 3

So while it wasn't as many as we would have liked we still got some movies watched an perhaps we will do better next year... only time will tell.

Now it is November, and things seem to be moving quickly. Just a few more weeks till Thanksgiving... and then December, the last month of the year will be upon us. However, now it is November now and it is National Writing month. I am determined that no matter how busy I am I am going to get some writing done!!! It is my dream, a dream I have had longer than any other dream I've ever had. I remember writing stories in notebooks in elementary school and even before elementary school I wrapped up little stories I had written for my family and I put them under the tree for my whole family. I've written rough drafts of three novels and even more short stories... but I have a different feeling about this one than any of those... I am studying harder to learn about the true mythological backgrounds as I begin to create my own world. This month is when I plan on really getting going... I have a few chapters written but at the end of the month is will be more than just a few. Wish me luck, I will keep everyone updated!!