Saturday, February 26, 2011


Tyson and I recently decided that we eat out too much (we've gotten into the bad habit of eating out around twice a week) and we also both drink too much soda... so we decided to start doing weight watchers... a fairly easy to track and cook for diet program. I had hopes to stop eating out so much, stop drinking so much, and maybe lose a few pounds in the process... but one thing I didn't think about was how many more dishes I was going to have to do. Dishes are my least favorite chore... I would rather scrub toilets for an hour than do the dishes! I HATE DISHES! Plus they never feel done... even if you do every dish then it seems like ten minutes later there is another one!
So the two nights a week that we weren't cooking or using plates saved me a lot of dishes... plus it was very rare for me too eat three meals a day, which I do more now because it is strongly encouraged on the diet... but eating more meals also means more dishes! Plus no drinking soda which I usually drank out of a bottle or plastic cup so now I have to drink juice and things which means more glasses. Over all I'm finding that I have at least 30+ additional dishes to do and that isn't counting forks, spoons, and knifes.
I know that it is healthier and I need to do it but I that dishes come along as part of it!
Thank you for listening to my rant.... not really trying to complain just trying to get it out : )

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